CCII Programs


CCII C.L.A.W. Circles – focused on the full liberation of oppressed people by dismantling systemic racism and the grip of supremacy ideology through individualized, intentional, and informed youth development. C.L.A.W. will be delivered through weekend intensives and during in-school and/or out-of-school time depending on partnerships with districts, schools, and individual families. Our framework for youth development is Character (Who Am I, Who Are You, Who Are We), Love (The Debt We Owe), Attitude (The Determinant Of Our Altitude), and World-aware (The Reach of Our Impact)

CCII TravelEDU – focused on the full liberation of oppressed people by dismantling systemic racism and the grip of supremacy ideology through experiential learning & living travel. Our TravelEDU program is a “learn it, live it” model that increases knowledge, skills, and exposure to the world, locally, nationally, and globally, helping students to see the full possibilities of their lives. Through learning units designed by our retired black educators, we will explore: Freedom’s Journey/Civil Rights, Formation of A Nation, Local Landscape of Leadership, and The Power of Service. These lessons will be shared across an 8-week “learn it” unit (inclusive of literacy, history, arts, math, and science) and culminate with a “live it” experiential week that has been designed with our partners at EF Tours.  

CCII L.I.F.E. Circles – focused on the full liberation of oppressed people by dismantling systemic racism and the grip of supremacy ideology through facilitation of dialogue with education policy makers, practitioners/professionals, and parents. Our L.I.F.E. Circles focus on regular dialogues that stir the dreaming of the possible around: Liberation in Education, Innovation in Education, Funding in Education, and Equity in Education. Dialogue gatherings happen monthly, and Dream gatherings happen quarterly.

CCII P.E.A.C.E. Circles – focused on the full liberation of oppressed people by dismantling systemic racism and the grip of supremacy ideology through the building up of parent groups to act against current structures and systems and conditioning in non-violent ways. We will dismantle systemic barriers to a great education birth – college graduation. Our P.E.A.C.E. Circles are about Parents Educated Aligned Changing Education. We believe that parents are the first teachers and the most powerful allies with and advocates for their children. We know that an educated and aligned network of parents will change education through voices raised and votes made.

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